No one wants to lose. Everyone wants to override others. That seems to be the way of most people today. It is becoming like a taboo to submit or to allow others. When a man has struggles in his spirit, he cannot be gentle in dealing with others. The word of God instructed us to be gentle.
To be gentle is to be able to manage once temperament or behavior. It is to be tender and be easily corrected and adapt to positive change. It is to be moderate in action. Not harsh, but willing to help people gradually. It does not in any way interpret stupidity. It is a calm and confident spirit (Proverbs 12:1). The word of God actually calls it the inner beauty. Dictionary defines it, as been noble or having the quality of a noble birth. The word of God said, it is very precious before God. Another version says it is of the greatest value before God.
The reason for all of these qualifications is because gentleness produces quietness. Quietness creates humility to learn, listen and observe people carefully before responding to them (Proverbs 18:13). It is better to think than to talk. So, it always enhances a wise answer (Proverbs 15:28). This makes him to win by wisdom. Most wrong reactions are products of a loud heart. Inner struggle will have harsh reactions. God is set to make you an indispensable vessel in Jesus’ name. Peace.
PRAYER: Lord, create in me a quality heart.