ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE Mark 9:14-27 Devotional:- “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes” (V.23)           We need to come to the awareness of the potency of the God we serve. He can do all things. He created the heavens and the earth. He created the mountains and the sea; He parted the Red Sea; He brought water from the rock and what else can He not do? If you see any great and good thing happening in the life of anyone today, it is through Him and there is nothing He cannot do (Luke 1:37, John 3:27).



Joshua 3: 13-17
Devotional: -“And it shall come to pass, as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests who bear the ark of the LORD, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, that the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off, the waters that come down from upstream, and they shall stand as a heap" (v.13) NKJV

    For a life to go down, it does not really demand more than the person been idle and doing nothing about himself. But growth demands effort. Observe that weeds grow either we like it or not and they don't have to be planted (Matthew 13:24-26). But when you want any good plant to grow you must put effort of cultivating the ground, sowing the seed and watering it. 

God said to Joshua, the priest must take responsibility to step into the water before the Jordan will part for them to pass and it was so. That is why for us to grow spiritually, we must put in effort to break our fallow ground in readiness to receive the seed of the word for our growth (Hosea 10:12). We cannot embrace lackadaisical attitude and experience growth in life. 

For us to grow, we must first decide to grow, then we begin to seek the seed of the word for our growth. It demands you creating time to walk on yourself. Good things don't come easily and if you consider your walk with God so important to grow in it, then there is a need to put in effort. You must create time to be with Him. You must study His word and meditate in it. You must be willing to yield to His way. You will then realize you are growing gradually. Peace.

Prayer: Lord, help me not to give up in my thirst for growth. 


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