A CHOSEN PEOPLE Deuteronomy 7:4-11 Devotional:- “…the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth…” (V.6)      The basic challenge we are facing that does not make us understand our new position in Christ is that of misunderstanding how we become a child of God. Because we do not understand what it takes, many don’t even value it. So they easily throw it off their mind. Many today are not holding on to their faith and are easily discouraged simply because they lack understanding of the richness of their choice. Some also put up some pride and some show up because they think they were qualified.


THE LOST SHEEP                

Luke 15:1-7
Devotional Verse: -“I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance”  (Vs. 7)

    What a great joy and excitement you derive when you find what is of great value to you! It is normal to feel great when what was wrongly taken from you is restored to you. So it is with God. Man is the most valuable creature He has, yet we don’t recognize this value. Something in us always wants to be far from home and we distance ourselves from God. Gap is always preferred in a relationship which you don't value. 
The truth is that, our distance from God will always reduce our value in life (John15:5). The prodigal son did this and regretted it (Luke15:11-20). That is why God is ready to pay any price to look out for sinners. He knows the danger they would face with the devil.
Friend, if you join Jesus in seeking the unsaved and to restore them to the fold, you will be one of His greatest friends. Jesus is not looking for a perfect saint to use, but seeks a child of God with a compassionate heart for lost souls. Resolve to be a soul winner and God will beautify your life greatly (Rom. 10:15). Peace!
PRAYER: Lord, give me a heart of compassion for the lost souls

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