A BELOVED Romans 9:23-26 Devotional:- I will call them my people, which were not my possible, and her beloved, which was not beloved” (V. 25) KJV      A part from the biblical use of the word beloved, which allows us to use it among believers, do you know that the greatest title any man or woman can earn in life is to be called beloved? This is someone you can probably refer to as your spouse. Your mother or your father cannot earn such a title. None of your sisters or brothers can fit in. None of your friends can as well fit in. This level of title is reserved for someone you are to him or her special. Someone you give unreserved love to. This is someone who has become very important and a treasure to you. As for this level of relationship, you are ready to invest anything. It is referred to as an intimate relationship.



Psalms 8:1-9
Devotional:- "What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him?." (V.4)

    What you keep thinking in your mind eventually becomes the determinant of the direction of your life. In other words, your dominant thought will always dominate your actions. If you don't put something at heart you can always forget to respond to such. When you learn to think well and the wellbeing of others, that is love.

Humanity has enjoyed so much of the love of God. All through the Bible, we see the love of God demonstrated towards man in all dimension. The king through the scriptures, I discover that the plan of God is to live eternally with men (Revelation 21:1-3). This intention is possible because God put man in His heart and He is always thinking about man.

Friend, it is important you learn to put the matter of people you purpose to love at heart. Think about house of the Lord if you love God (1 Chronicles 17:1). Do you love your family? Then create time to think about them. The same goes for the members of your church family. Don’t just go on thinking just about yourself alone. Consciously create time to do this. And you will be like your father in heaven. Peace.

PRAYER: Lord, give me grace to have space for you and my loved ones in my heart

“Thinking of others makes you a blessing”

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