A BELOVED Romans 9:23-26 Devotional:- I will call them my people, which were not my possible, and her beloved, which was not beloved” (V. 25) KJV      A part from the biblical use of the word beloved, which allows us to use it among believers, do you know that the greatest title any man or woman can earn in life is to be called beloved? This is someone you can probably refer to as your spouse. Your mother or your father cannot earn such a title. None of your sisters or brothers can fit in. None of your friends can as well fit in. This level of title is reserved for someone you are to him or her special. Someone you give unreserved love to. This is someone who has become very important and a treasure to you. As for this level of relationship, you are ready to invest anything. It is referred to as an intimate relationship.



1 John 3:11-17
Devotional:- "By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren". (V. 16).

    A major character of love is responsibility. This is been willing to pay the price for what we intend to enjoy in relationship. In relationship you are either a burden or a blessing. Each party in relationship must seek to contribute positively to the growth of their relationship. 

​Today billions of people are turning to God but God is also responsible to earn the best of man. Apart from protecting, providing or healing us, He gave His only son to die for our redemption (John 3:16). To be responsible is to respond with your ability. This mean there is something you can do, do it to be a blessing to others around you.

Friend, decide to be a blessing to your family especially your spouse and children. Be responsible at home in the office, in the church and in the community at large. Some people left their nation to come and preach the gospel to us before we know the Lord. We also should do the same at our level. When you desire to rise and take responsibility in your relationship God will start to give you the way to go about it. When it is in your heart God will put it in your hands. It takes responsibility to earn the best of relationship. Don’t keep giving excuses or keep explaining things. Do your best to be a contributor and not just a consumer. Arise! 

Prayer: Lord, make me a blessing to all around me. 

"You are either a burden or a blessing" 

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