A BELOVED Romans 9:23-26 Devotional:- I will call them my people, which were not my possible, and her beloved, which was not beloved” (V. 25) KJV      A part from the biblical use of the word beloved, which allows us to use it among believers, do you know that the greatest title any man or woman can earn in life is to be called beloved? This is someone you can probably refer to as your spouse. Your mother or your father cannot earn such a title. None of your sisters or brothers can fit in. None of your friends can as well fit in. This level of title is reserved for someone you are to him or her special. Someone you give unreserved love to. This is someone who has become very important and a treasure to you. As for this level of relationship, you are ready to invest anything. It is referred to as an intimate relationship.



1 Peter 3:1-7
Devotional:- "Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered".  (V.7)

    A major reason that can make us to live together in love is understanding each other. If we don't have the patience to understand others, we will conclude too early over issues and we may always be wrong. So, we need to identify areas we need to understand with people. Hasty decisions in relationship will always be wrong.

The character of true love is to let us understand that we are not wired the same way. Men are different from women. Some people are introverts while others are extroverts, some are inward and deep thinker (phlegmatic), others are outward, they have easy and sharp expression (Sanguine). Some are heady (choleric) and some enjoy working on details (Melancholic). These differences in our creation with our background make us, think and behave differently. It will take understanding for us to live together.

To live with each other with understanding, we must know that each one is created good (Genesis 1:31) Please understand that there is something good about each unique creation, though there may also be something not too good. Every nature has advantage and disadvantage. In understanding let us celebrate the good and keep praying and helping each other to grow in the disadvantage part. Please understand that others can not be like you. So tolerate them in maturity. Please understand that it will take time for people to grow or change so be patient because all change is possible. Peace.

PRAYER: Lord, teach me to understand with others.

“Your understanding with people makes them to cooperate with you”

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