A BELOVED Romans 9:23-26 Devotional:- I will call them my people, which were not my possible, and her beloved, which was not beloved” (V. 25) KJV      A part from the biblical use of the word beloved, which allows us to use it among believers, do you know that the greatest title any man or woman can earn in life is to be called beloved? This is someone you can probably refer to as your spouse. Your mother or your father cannot earn such a title. None of your sisters or brothers can fit in. None of your friends can as well fit in. This level of title is reserved for someone you are to him or her special. Someone you give unreserved love to. This is someone who has become very important and a treasure to you. As for this level of relationship, you are ready to invest anything. It is referred to as an intimate relationship.



Mark 7:1-13
Devotional:- "He answered and said to them, "Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: 'This people honors Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me". (V. 6)

    In a genuine relationship, it will be very wrong to dishonor each other. This can go a long way to weaken our relationship. To dishonor someone is to humiliate the person or put him down as nobody. No matter how weak someone is, it will be out of place to dishonor one another.

God who is our perfect example of love, He said “we should not honour Him just by mouth but from the heart (Mark 7:6). This teaches us that honour is from the heart. That is why each of us should create a heart of value for everyone in relationship with us at whatever level or category. You are only willing to honour someone because you value him. Please, know that God deserve your honour (Malachi 1:6-9; 1 Samuel 2:30).

To treat someone with honour is to treat with care and accord him, his own respect no matter what. In giving honour, be faithful and loyal to others. Let people be what they are and not over expecting from people. Then you also will be honorable. Peace!

Prayer: Lord, give me a Heart of honour for everyone


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