ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE Mark 9:14-27 Devotional:- “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes” (V.23)           We need to come to the awareness of the potency of the God we serve. He can do all things. He created the heavens and the earth. He created the mountains and the sea; He parted the Red Sea; He brought water from the rock and what else can He not do? If you see any great and good thing happening in the life of anyone today, it is through Him and there is nothing He cannot do (Luke 1:37, John 3:27).



Matthew 6:5-8.
Devotional:- “And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward". (V. 5)

    Most of the events that brings snare to our soul and water us down are product of show off. These are what we do to please people or to demonstrate that we are there.

To show means you are pretending to be what you are not (Proverbs 13:7). Many people have this attitude and this will bring their frustrations. Since the truth will always prevail, the people you are pretending to, will soon see you as you are. This can bring anyone to shame. There is no reason to borrow dress for an occasion. You will not be comfortable when you buy a dress on credit and you have not paid and you are demonstrating with it in the face of the seller.

Jesus teaches us to be humble and be sincere people. Many will vow in the public what they cannot afford and this will bring shame to their life. See, your heart is fragile; don't ever embark on anything that is not true (Proverbs 4:23). In other word, do your search properly before embarking on any venture.  Always be sincere to yourself. If you ridicule yourself before people, you may not find it easy to forgive yourself. Please always be sincere with yourself. Then you will keep your heart from frustration and live in joy. Peace!

Prayer: Lord, deliver me from show off spirit.

 “Showing off is displaying what you are not to the people who don't need you”

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