ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE Mark 9:14-27 Devotional:- “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes” (V.23)           We need to come to the awareness of the potency of the God we serve. He can do all things. He created the heavens and the earth. He created the mountains and the sea; He parted the Red Sea; He brought water from the rock and what else can He not do? If you see any great and good thing happening in the life of anyone today, it is through Him and there is nothing He cannot do (Luke 1:37, John 3:27).



Ephesians 1:3-10
In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace (V. 7) NKJV

    To be redeemed is to be bought from the slave market. When a slave is up for sale, a relation may come to buy back home. That is redemption. All men are in the slave market of sin (John 8:34). Jesus came as a saviour to redeem us from the power of sin (Matthew 1:21).

 A true Christian is the one that Jesus has redeemed by his blood unto God (Revelation 5:9). You need this understanding to be a Christian. This is because that makes you know you are now purchased unto God. You now belong to God and no more for the devil or the world. You are no more for yourself (1 Corinthians 6:20). You need this understanding to know that no other power have right over your life.

Friend, since you have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus, all glory belongs to Him. Sin and its power have no right over your life anymore. You are now a child of God and have nothing to do with the devil and darkness anymore (Ephesians 5:11-12). God’s word says you are now a king and a priest (Revelation 5:9-10). So playing around with the ungodly endangers your redemption. The Lord will sustain you to the end in Jesus name.

Prayer: Lord, help me to keep my redemption in mind.

“Whoever does not keep his/her redemption in mind will soon be enslaved again”.

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