ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE Mark 9:14-27 Devotional:- “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes” (V.23)           We need to come to the awareness of the potency of the God we serve. He can do all things. He created the heavens and the earth. He created the mountains and the sea; He parted the Red Sea; He brought water from the rock and what else can He not do? If you see any great and good thing happening in the life of anyone today, it is through Him and there is nothing He cannot do (Luke 1:37, John 3:27).



Colossians 3:1-11
Devotional:- But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. (V. 8) NKJV

    Part of the labour of faith for a believer is the work of putting off the old man. The old man is the flesh or self in every man (Romans 7:24). It is the work of each one to labour as we fellowship with God through His word to put off the old man (Philippians 2:12).

To put off the former nature of sin, the Bible instructs us to put to death the passion of the flesh.  These passions of the flesh is the sinful nature in each one, they push us to fornication, uncleanliness, passions, evil desire, covetousness which is idolatry (Colossians 3:5).  To put to death is to deliberately separate yourself from friends or atmosphere that promote this sinful desire (1 Timothy 6:11). In doing this we kill the source of the energy of these sins.

Friend you need to be deliberate in this labour to put to death and put off the nature of sin (Romans 6:6).  Remember you have given yourself to Christ. You have been crucified with Him. You no longer belong to yourself. You now belong to Jesus (Galatians 2:20). So separate yourself from this sinful nature and he will help you to put off the old man.

Prayer: Lord, give me the courage to be separated from worldly nature

“If you stop feeding the nature of sin, it will die”

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