
Showing posts from October, 2020


SPIRIT OF WISDOM I Corinthians 2:6-10 Devotional:- “But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory” (V.7) NKJV      The mind of every man is created to operate wisdom even at the level of common sense. This is one of the reasons why many are poor. The reason why this is so is that most human beings do not know how to empower their mind for wisdom with the right and quality information. They rather believe that life is all about making do with everything that comes their way. Wrong information and association have made many minds dull (Proverbs 13:20).


VOICE OF THE LORD                 Psalms 29:1-9 Devotional: -“The voice of the Lord is powerful; The voice of the Lord is full of majesty” (V. 4) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Voice of The Lord    As we look into the power of the word of God, there is a need to consider the voice of the Lord. This is not the written word. This is the spoken word of God called Rhema. The written word is Logos. The written word demands meditation to produce its power (Psalms119:97-100). But the spoken word of God is to be obeyed by faith. The voice of God is far more powerful.


A SWORD                   Ephesians 6:13-20 Devotional: -“And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (V. 17) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · A Sword        Everyone who engages in battle knows the importance of the weapon called sword. This is what stand in place of AK47 today. Sword is both defensive, but mostly offensive weapon. By it, you will protect yourself and destroy the enemy. The enemy seeing it with you, is enough to scare them because it's a deadly weapon in the hand of warrior.


 PRESENCE OF GOD                  John 1:14-18 Devotional: -“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” (V. 14) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Presence of God    There is a mystery in the power of the word. This mystery makes the word to become flesh and follow a man. It is important we understand this dimension of the power of the word of God. This is because the word of God is Spirit and it has life.


HEALING              Psalms 107:17-22 Devotional: -“He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions” (V. 20) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Healing      The word of God is filled with the healing power. This is because the hosts of God, which enforces the word, are always waiting to execute His word of healing (Psalms 103:20). That is why God says; He will give His angel charge to take care of us (Psalms 91:11). It is because of the healing ministration of the angels of God, you are not always being in challenges of sickness.


BREAKING HABITS               Jeremiah 23:25-29 Devotional:- “"Is not My word like a fire?" says the Lord, "And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?”” (V. 29) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Breaking Habits    One of the most difficult things for humanity to change is habits. It is a blessing of the Lord that we are able to form habits. These are behaviors that we demonstrate with little or no thinking. Habits determine failure or success of people on earth. Habits determine poverty or riches. Habits determine strength or weakness. Habits are what we are used to do and have become reflect actions for us.


IT CREATES               Hebrews 11:1-7 Devotional:-“By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible” (V. 3) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · It Creates    God creates by the power of His words. The word of God is spiritual information capable of creating whatever it is sent to create (Psalm 107:20). The Bible says, the word of God can never be without power (Luke 1:37 Ampl). Because, God is the almighty His word is full of power (Ecclesiastic 8:4). This power is the executive power. That is, there are forces that are made to fulfill the word of God (Psalms 103:20).


COURAGE AND CONFIDENCE                 Proverbs 28:1-5 Devotional:-“The wicked flee when no one pursues, But the righteous are bold as a lion” (V. 1) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Courage And Confidence    The cleansing power of the word of God works to purify and release the Spirit of righteousness into the heart of people.  When a heart is gaining righteousness by the word of the Lord, it gains boldness. Courage and confidence are the products of a clean and clear mind. When someone has nothing to hide, he becomes bold in defending himself and claiming his right.


SPIRITUAL ENERGY                  Daniel 11:29-39 Devotional:-“Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits” (V. 32) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Spiritual Energy    Major virtue supplied by the word of God to the life of those who have learnt to live by it is spiritual energy. That is why the word of God is likened to bread in many places (Deuteronomy 8:2-3; Luke 4:4). One of the reasons why many don't value the word of God is because they look at it as other words. Not knowing the word as the source of spiritual energy.


BUILDS FAITH                  Romans 10:14-18 Devotional:-“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (V. 17) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Build Faith    It is by faith spiritual blessings can be made physical. It is by faith that human can turn their spiritual blessings to physical. Man is made to be part of creation but this can only happen by faith (Hebrews 11:40). God’s answer to prayers can only be downloaded by faith (Mark 11:24). This makes faith one of the vital virtue that all of us must grow to use daily.


UNDERSTANDING                  Ephesians 1:15-23 Devotional: -“the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints” (V. 18) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Understanding    Anyone who is regularly fellowshipping with God through studying and meditation in the word of God will always gain access to the spirit of understanding (Psalms 119:99). Remember, Jesus said, the word of God is Spirit and life (John 6:63). That is why the word of God is not an ordinary story book. The devil will do all in his power to make the children of this world look down on the word of God. The Spirit of the word is the Spirit of understanding (Psalms 119:130).      The Bible says, through the knowledge of the word of God, our eyes of understanding can be opened (Ephesians 1:17-18). When a someone's eyes is opene...


WISDOM                    Psalms 119:97-104 Devotional:-“You, through Your commandments, make me wiser than my enemies; For they are ever with me” (V. 98) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Wisdom    Wisdom is said to be the most important thing in the life of any man (Proverbs 4:7). When wisdom is lacking, a man's life will amount to little. This is because without wisdom, every other virtue will be a waste. Wisdom is the catalyst to make your gift, talents and any other privileges to gain value. Wisdom is the ability to take wise decision. Wise actions are activities that produce good and pleasant result of life.


LIFE                  John 1:1-5 Devotional:“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men” (V. 4) NKJV     Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Life       Jesus is the author of life (Act 3:15). This is because He brought the entirety of the life of God into man (Ephesians 3:19). That is why in Christ Jesus, we have the abundance of the life of God (John 10:10). Jesus is the fullness of the Godhead (Colossians 2:9). That is, all of God is in Christ Jesus. He is the word of God and by the power of the word of God, we can be connected to the life of God.


THE LIGHT               Psalms 119:105-112 Devotional:-“Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path” (V. 105) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · The Light     One of the powers produced in the word of God is light. This makes the word of God to always prevail over every form of darkness. This light is the revelation of the truth that makes a man to walk out of darkness. Light represents the manifestation of the power of God, while darkness represents the manifestation of the power of the devil.


SANCTIFIED               John 17:9-19 Devotional: -“Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth” (V. 17) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Sanctified     Knowledge sets free. Knowledge equips and builds strong; build courage and confidence. Much more, the knowledge of the truth do sanctify. The word ‘sanctification’ means separation unto the Lord. It means, brought to the side of God. It means, made to be only a vessel of the Lord. The power in the word of God translates people from darkness to light (1 Peter 2:9).


DELIVERANCE       John 8:31-36 Devotional:-“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (V. 32) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Deliverance    Deliverance is the act of being set free from the hand of a stronger force. Everyone on earth must be prepared to experience deliverance at one time or the other in their lives. This is because we always mistakenly slip into the trap of the devil. The devil is always seeking who he will trap (John 10:10). That is why we are instructed to be watchful (1 Peter 5:8).


CONVERTING SOULS                  Psalms 19:1-14 Devotional:-“The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple” (V. 7) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Converting Souls    The word of God is powerful enough to convert souls. This is one of the most difficult tasks to carry out. A man or a woman can easily repent but their soul may not be converted easily. When you see a converted soul, he is the one who have totally changed, contrary to what he used to do or say. Someone who is ready to ague to death saying A is good and B is bad and now ready to die to say B is good and A is bad, that a genuine conversion.


 IT CLEANSES            John 15:1-5 Devotional: -“You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you” (V. 3) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · It Cleanses     No matter how terrible someone’s mind might have been polluted and corrupted, the power in the word of God is able to give mental cleansing. Mental cleansing is an act of deprogramming and reprogramming. It is an act of complete removal of a siting spirit and establishing a clean spirit (Psalms 50:12). Jesus told the disciples of the cleansing effect of the word of God. He told the disciples that they were already cleansed by the word of God. 


IMAGINATION             Genesis 11:1-9 Devotional:-“And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do” (V. 6) KJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Imagination     One of the wisdom to connect with the power in the word of God is the wisdom of imagination. Imagination is turning an information to pictures. This is engaging your intellect or your inner eyes to envision the word of God. Though, you are not there but you can figure out what took place by your imagination. I call it turning the scriptures to pictures.


KEEP SPEAKING IT               Joshua 1:1-9 Devotional:- “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (V. 8) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Keep Speaking It      The word only becomes potent as you keep speaking it. This is because the force that carries out the word hears you as though you have decreed. Our words are powerful because they are the expression of our spirit (Matthew 12:34). Until the word is spoken, it remains unfulfilled. 


KEEP OBEYING IT                  Leviticus 26:3-12 Devotional: -“'If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments, and perform them” (V. 3) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Keep Obeying It    Every time God wants to promise His people to perform His covenant in their life, He will always start with the word ‘if’. ‘If’ is a word of condition. That is, these promises are for those who will obey these covenant instructions. This is because; God is a covenant keeping God. In covenant, each party has their role to play. It is as you are faithfully playing your role that God can play His own role.


RECEIVE IT                 1 Samuel 1:12-18 Devotional: -“And she said,"Let your maidservant find favor in your sight." So the woman went her way and ate, and her face was no longer sad” (V. 18) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Receive IT     The word of God is the power of God. Through it, many great things have been done on earth. But as powerful as the word, as much as it will not work often when people don't receive it. We have heard the word of God in multiple times but not all are effective or working in our lives. One of the reasons is because we don't receive the word spoken to us. Saying Amen, is not completely a sign of receiving the word spoken to us.


WAIT ON THE WORD                  Psalms 27:11-14 Devotional: -Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!” (V. 14) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Wait On The Word      Everyone who wants to experience the power in the word of God must learn to wait on God for His word. This is because when the word of God comes to you, the power of God has come to you. He that has the word has the power of God. This is because His word is His power (Ecclesiastic 8:4).


THE ZEAL OF THE LORD                  2 Kings 19:20-34 Devotional: -“For out of Jerusalem shall go a remnant, And those who escape from Mount Zion. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this” (V. 31) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Zeal Of The Lord    In relating with the power of the word of God, it is executed by the host of God at the command of the Lord of hosts. But the Lord of hosts is characterized with intensive power to execute the word of God. This is the zeal of the Lord of hosts. It is therefore important that you rest your faith in the word of God, for the host of the Lord will execute the word of God with zeal if you believe it and speak it by faith.


THE LORD OF HOST                Psalm 46:1-11 Devotional: -“The Lord of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge” (V. 7) NKJV   Oluremi AGBABIAKA · The Lord of Host    Jesus is the Lord of hosts. That is, He is the head of the army or the forces of God. Remember the forces of God carries out the word of God and Jesus is the commander in Chief (Ephesians 1:17-23). He is the Lord of hosts. That is why you need not to be afraid (Psalm 23:4). Your Savior, your Redeemer, your Lord is the head of the army of God (Philippians 2:9-11).


THE HOST OF GOD                Psalms 103:11-22 Devotional: -“Bless the Lord, all you His hosts, You ministers of His, who do His pleasure” (V. 21) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · The Host Of GOD    It is important you know that the word of God is the word of power (Ecclesiastic 8:4). The word of a ruler can be with power because of the constituted forces around him/her. Those are the people who wait to execute his/her word. So also is the word of God, it is carried out by the host of God. Those are the forces of God.


WORD WITH POWER            Luke 1:26-38 Devotional: -“For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment” (V. 37) (Amplified) Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Word With Power    Understanding the power of God puts every man in command of the forces of this world. Power is said to be an ability to carry out a task. This means, that the word of God has the ability to be fulfilled. The word of God is Powerful (Ecclesiastic 8:4). This means, it is backed up with forces that enforces it or carries it out.


MEDITATION           Psalms 1:1-6 Devotional: -“But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night” (V. 2) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Meditation    One of the major ways to drink the juice of the power of God through the word of God is by meditation. Whenever anyone is meditating, that person is searching into and drinking the power of God. Meditation is the act of thinking deep or focusing one’s mind for a period of time for the purpose of getting to the rich part of an information. Meditation is the act of drawing to your soul the spirit of an information, so that information begins to internally form or in internally shape you.


HEARING THE WORD         Act 10:34-46 Devotional: - “While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word” (V. 44) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Hearing The Word     The Spirit and the Power of God transmit to people when they hear the word of God. Just like meditation over the written word to drink the spirit and the power in the word, so also is hearing the word. When anyone is filled with the Spirit of God and speaks by the spirit, the power of God will be transmitted to all who open their heart to hear the word (Act 10:44).


STUDY          Proverbs 25:1-7 Devotional: -“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter” (V. 2) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · Study    To study is to be curious. To study is to go on a search. To study is to give quality attention to find out a matter. To study is to put in quality attention to access the deep secret or mystery of an information. We can access the power in the word of God by studying the word.  Those who will not study, will not be able to access the power.


THE BANK             Psalms 139:12-18 Devotional: -“Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them” (V. 16) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · The Bank    It will amaze you to hear that the power of God is stored in the word of God. That is why the Bible says it is full of power (Hebrews 4:12). If anyone wants to relate with the power of God or encounter the power of God, they will need to relate with the word of God. It is in it, that the word of His power is stored. Power is the ability to do or carry out an act. There is power in the word of God.  


THE POWER              Hebrews 4:11-16 Devotional: -“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (V. 12) NKJV Oluremi AGBABIAKA · The Power    It is important we come to realize that what we call power is in the word of God. It is by the power of the word of God that God made the heavens and the earth (John 1:3; Hebrews 11:3). If the power in the word of God is what made the world, then, all we need to make our life good and fulfilled is in the word of God.

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