SPIRIT OF UNDERSTANDING  Daniel 5:1-11 Devotional:- “There is a man in your kingdom in whom is the Spirit of the Holy God. And in the days of your father, light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, were found in him; and King Nebuchadnezzar your father-your father the king-made him chief of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers” (V. 11) NKJV      The human level of exploits in life depends largely on their level of understanding. The depth of your understanding determines the size of your light in life. Understanding is what makes people outstanding. If you can't dig deep, you can’t grow tall. It is as you can take root downward, that you can bear fruits upward. Failure is mostly a result of a lack of understanding (Hosea 4:6). People of understanding are of peaceful progress. Since they can dig deep to know the right thing in life they can keep flying.



1 Samuel 18:1-9
Devotional Verse:-“So the women sang as they danced, and said: "Saul has slain his thousands, And David his ten thousands." (V. 7)

    Every destiny on earth needs announcement. In other words, people need to know you for something. It is what people know you for that they will be willing to pay you for. That is why; it is so important that you serve God with your gifts and talents so that the world might discover you. God placed in your life something that the world needs, but if you are not announced to your world, you may not be discovered.

   When David made himself available to solve the problem of defeating and killing Goliath, he became popular in Israel. By this popularity, the king became jealous of him. Nothing promotes and announces like service (Mark 10:44-45). No matter how rich you are in special abilities, it is service that will reveal you to people. David was already anointed to be the king, but announcing himself to be anointed King will be suicidal (1 Samuel 16:1; 13). No one knows him before; it is his willingness to serve that brought his glory out. It was his willingness to serve that brought him to the palace (1 Samuel 16:18).

   Friend, no matter your age, God can still manifest His glory in your life if you will humble yourself to allow God to introduce you through service. Think of something you can do to bless others in your community, in your office, and in the family or house of God. Soon, people will get to know the rich blessing you have for your world. Peace!

PRAYER: Lord, give me the courage to serve you not withstanding 


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