SPIRIT OF WISDOM I Corinthians 2:6-10 Devotional:- “But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory” (V.7) NKJV      The mind of every man is created to operate wisdom even at the level of common sense. This is one of the reasons why many are poor. The reason why this is so is that most human beings do not know how to empower their mind for wisdom with the right and quality information. They rather believe that life is all about making do with everything that comes their way. Wrong information and association have made many minds dull (Proverbs 13:20).



Scripture: John 8:31-36
Devotional:-"Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed". v.31 NKJV

    A disciple of Jesus is not the one who come to just hear the word of God. They are rather those who abide or stay with the word of God. The desire of a disciple of Jesus is to be like Jesus. This is loving the way He lives. This is patterning  our lives after the life of Jesus because of the great encounter we have with Him (Matthew 17:4)

 In the scripture we read today, Jesus show us the way to becoming His disciple. This is by abiding in the word of God. It is staying with the word till we have good understanding. It is meditating on the word till we encounter the revelation of what God is saying (Psalm 1: 1-3). By this we will be able to live as He lives.

Friend, to abide in the word of God takes strong discipline and commitment to the word. This is by willingly taking the word, meditate and live according to the word (Joshua 1:8).  This is when we can have the best of God (Isaiah 1: 19) Discipleship is cultivating the life of Christ through the word of God. The word of God form our inner person to be like Christ when we stay with it. This is when we can reflect the image of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18). Peace.

Prayer: Lord, put the love of your word in my heart.

"Your mind only get shaped to the word you always hear"

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