Those who are born to great people on earth are always considered privileged. Many of us would have loved to belong to a particular family or the other if we had been given the privilege to make that choice. Many challenges in the lives of some people today are there because they wake up to find themselves in a family with one deficiency or the other. This has brought many limitations to the lives of many people in the world today.
I don’t know the particular situation you find yourself in now. God saw the need to link all family back to Himself, that is why He sent Jesus Christ to save the world, so that we can come to his lineage and no more the lineage of our earthly parents. We don’t have to suffer what our parents suffered.
Those who are children of God are not born of flesh and blood but of the word and Spirit of God (John 3:5). The water in that scripture referred to the word of God. That is why your fellowship with God’s word makes you grow to sonship. If you are born again, I congratulate you. People who are known as children of the president or governor count themselves privileged and how much more the child of the highest God.
Now the glory and honour due to your father is yours. He is great, you cannot be small. He is strong, you cannot be weak. He is a victor and you cannot be a victim. He is a successful God; you cannot be a failure. He is prosperous and you cannot be poor. You need to know that you now belong to a lineage of a great God. You have to start thinking and speaking like your father. Never expect the evil of your earthly parents to befall you again. You are now different (2 Corinthians 5:17). You are born of God (1 John 5:4). Take time to meditate on this truth till it sets you free. Declare it daily, “I am a son of God.”