APPLE OF HIS EYE Zechariah 2:4-13 Devotional:- “...for he who touches you touches the apple or pupil of His eye” (V. 8) AMPL      One of the most honourable and highly protected parts of our body is our eye. It is highly protected because of its importance and delicacy. The eye is the light of the body (Matthew 6:22, Luke 11:34). A man without sight is blocked without light. He will need to learn to see with the inner eye. Because of the importance of the eye, everyone takes time to wash it with all care and caution. When things are coming against it, wise people will always avoid it. When something little enters the eye, we become restless until it is removed. The truth is that you cannot allow anyone to touch your eye. It is a reflex action for you to close it at such times.



Colossians 2:11-15
Devotional :- “Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it” (V. 15)

    There is need for all children of God to always meditate on the word of God. This will always take you in to the deep mysteries of your victory in Christ Jesus. If not, people could just be reading through the Bible and still remain in their bondage. Having head knowledge of the Bible does not shake the devil. He knows the Bible more than many believers (Luke 4:9-12).
   The scripture we read said, Jesus has disarmed the powers of the devil. Jesus has overcome them publicly. This He does by marching them naked through the streets for all to see. So, it was not a hidden exercise but a public show of shame for the devil. Yet, as public as this could be, so many people are still ignorance and still in doubt, even when they know.
   It is important that you take time out to meditate over the scripture, so that your faith can grow for your victory. Whatever power the devil could use over you have been removed from him. He is left with tricks. Tricks are fake powers (2 Corinthians 2:11). This is by whispering confusing and untrue information to people. Telling people they are sick, they are in bondage, under a curse, poor etc. Stop listening to him. He is a liar (John 8:44). You are victorious. Peace.
PRAYER: Lord, reveal to me the truth for my victory.

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