APPLE OF HIS EYE Zechariah 2:4-13 Devotional:- “...for he who touches you touches the apple or pupil of His eye” (V. 8) AMPL      One of the most honourable and highly protected parts of our body is our eye. It is highly protected because of its importance and delicacy. The eye is the light of the body (Matthew 6:22, Luke 11:34). A man without sight is blocked without light. He will need to learn to see with the inner eye. Because of the importance of the eye, everyone takes time to wash it with all care and caution. When things are coming against it, wise people will always avoid it. When something little enters the eye, we become restless until it is removed. The truth is that you cannot allow anyone to touch your eye. It is a reflex action for you to close it at such times.


KNOWING GOD            

Daniel 11:29-39
Devotional :- “ Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits” (V. 32)

   One of the major deceptions of the devil is to make man feel that all is limited to the physical (Hebrews 11:3). Therefore, man becomes limited to what he can see. That will simply make lives hopeless. But all of that, are lies of the devil (John 8:44). When a man knows God, he will start to operate at the realm far higher than the natural.
   The Bible says “some will be corrupted with flattery”. This is because they will play into the deception of the devil to disobey the covenant of God. They will argue the scripture. They will cancel the covenant of God. They will become encouragement of disobedience. So, their lives will become corrupt with time. That is, their mind will be malfunctioning (Romans 1:28)
   To know God is to know His name. It is to know His word and His ways. The revelation of the name and the ways of God makes you confidence to walk in power. Knowing God demands searching for Him through His word and not through nature alone (Proverbs 25:2). It takes seeking, to find out who God is (Matthew 7:7). When people know who God is, then they find strength of faith in His covenant (1 Corinthians 2:9-16). This will make them to be rude to the devil and resist him because they know his weaknesses. Peace. 
PRAYER: Lord, reveal to me the power in your name and your ways.

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