MEMBER OF HIS BODY I Corinthians 12:24-28 Devotional:- “Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually” (V. 27) NKJV      The Bible refers to us as members of the body of Christ or as part of the body of Christ. This truth brings us to the light of understanding of your importance, as a part of the Church. But more than that is the understanding by the same scripture that you as an individual are a member of Christ's body. The ‘body’ here can therefore be seen in two dimensions. It interprets the church as a single group and a team. It also interprets that each member as being part of the body of Jesus Christ. He is the head and we are the body. We have become members of His body by His Spirit that dwells in us (1 Corinthians 3:16).


word potency
1 Samuel 1:8-20
Devotional Verse – (V. 18) “And she said,"Let your maidservant find favor in your sight." So the woman went her way and ate, and her face was no longer sad”(V. 18)

The word of God is powerful and is able to destroy any yoke of the devil. The word of God is not mere word like that of most men. They are words that can be carried out by the unseen forces and backed up by the Spirit of the Lord. The forces of the angels of God are always waiting to carry out the word of God (Psalms 103:20). The Bible says the word of God is powerful, it is sharper than a two edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). The word of God will always prosper in the mouth of a true servant of God. It will prosper wherever it is sent (Isaiah 55:11). 

The word of God told us about the story of Hannah. She was a barren woman mocked by other women. Hannah was waiting on the Lord to receive a word from God. The man of God spoke into her life the word of life and the word prospered in her (Hebrews 4:2). Her bareness was terminated. Her shame was rolled away. Whatever was wrong either in her body or that of her husband was readjusted. And her womb was ready to host and birth a ruler. 

Friend, when an anointed and righteous man speaks by the spirit of the Lord, power is released. There are people God has given the grace to always speak the word (Psalms 68:11). This is because of their closeness in fellowship with the word of life. Don’t join anyone to mock the word of God or the servant of God. Then you will always prosper in Jesus name (2 Chronicles 20:20). Peace!

Prayer: Lord, speak your word into my situation

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