MEMBER OF HIS BODY I Corinthians 12:24-28 Devotional:- “Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually” (V. 27) NKJV      The Bible refers to us as members of the body of Christ or as part of the body of Christ. This truth brings us to the light of understanding of your importance, as a part of the Church. But more than that is the understanding by the same scripture that you as an individual are a member of Christ's body. The ‘body’ here can therefore be seen in two dimensions. It interprets the church as a single group and a team. It also interprets that each member as being part of the body of Jesus Christ. He is the head and we are the body. We have become members of His body by His Spirit that dwells in us (1 Corinthians 3:16).


10 quick-fire study tips - Ebuyer BlogScripture Reading: 2 Timothy 2:14-19
Devotional:“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (V. 15) KJV
One of the factors that will give us the best in the presence of God is to go to His presence with Bible and books to study. To study is to search out a matter (Ecclesiastes 1:12-13). To study is to engage our mind as we read in a search till we gain light about a particular issue in life. To study is to observe an issue till solution is discovered
The word of God commanded us to study to present ourselves approved. That is not a novices but firmly presenting the truth that brings solution to situations. Been in the presence of the Lord is not just to pray. We must also employ studying in His presence. In a time of separation like that, God will want to show us many things.
The truth is that, we are hindered by what we do not know. Knowledge will take us out of every limitation. Time out with God therefore gives you access to divine wisdom. That is why we worship God, pray and also take time to study. When you return from such experiences, you will return with great light and understanding (Isaiah 9:2). And you will be a man of solution in Jesus name. Peace.
PPRAYER: Lord, give me a heart to always study

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