MEMBER OF HIS BODY I Corinthians 12:24-28 Devotional:- “Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually” (V. 27) NKJV      The Bible refers to us as members of the body of Christ or as part of the body of Christ. This truth brings us to the light of understanding of your importance, as a part of the Church. But more than that is the understanding by the same scripture that you as an individual are a member of Christ's body. The ‘body’ here can therefore be seen in two dimensions. It interprets the church as a single group and a team. It also interprets that each member as being part of the body of Jesus Christ. He is the head and we are the body. We have become members of His body by His Spirit that dwells in us (1 Corinthians 3:16).


Prosperous Soul Small Group – ARISE:LifePROSPEROUS SOUL
3 John 1-8
Devotional Verse – V. 2

It is in accordance with the plan of God that when we receive grace to prosper by the spirit, our soul also agree to prosper. This when our life can then experience the prosperity of God. To prosper means for things to be working well for you. It is the plan of God that things work well for us in all areas of our lives, even in our health. Since our soul is the connecting factor between our spirit and our body or the physical world, it then become very important to think about the prosperity our soul. 

A prosperous soul is soul that is able to agree with the word of the Spirit of God. This help the soul to process prosperity into reality. Whatever you cannot convincingly agree with your soul will not be able to process it into you life. A prosperous soul does not have issue believing that great things are possible for him. He does not have self limiting believe. He sees himself capable of achieving all the plan of God (Mark 9:23).

To operate a prosperous soul, you  must be will to drop you old concept by unlearning them and begin to access God’s will for you life (Jeremiah 29:11). You need to keep you hope in God that He is able to help you as He done for others. By this you wi9ll start to build quality self esteem, positive believes system and in turn build quality attitude to prosper in you ways. Peace!

PRAYER: Lord, give me the light for a prosperous soul


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