MEMBER OF HIS BODY I Corinthians 12:24-28 Devotional:- “Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually” (V. 27) NKJV      The Bible refers to us as members of the body of Christ or as part of the body of Christ. This truth brings us to the light of understanding of your importance, as a part of the Church. But more than that is the understanding by the same scripture that you as an individual are a member of Christ's body. The ‘body’ here can therefore be seen in two dimensions. It interprets the church as a single group and a team. It also interprets that each member as being part of the body of Jesus Christ. He is the head and we are the body. We have become members of His body by His Spirit that dwells in us (1 Corinthians 3:16).


When and How Should Your Business File for Bankruptcy?BANKRUPTCY TO BUSINESS
2 kings 4:1-7
Devotional Verse – V. 7

The trick of credit facility has pushed so many people into a life time trouble. People don’t really have quality information on when to and when not to take a loan. This has turned many to the black book of their creditors. It has made many family and friends to be enemies. It has destroyed the fortune that many have built for years. It has turned down many enthusiasm vision runner. 

The word of God told us of a widow of a prophet who the creditor is after. People go after their debtors when the money cannot be overlooked. This was the case with this woman. The creditor was determine to collect back his money. He probably decided to take the two sons of the woman and send them to work as slave till they are able to pay back. Then this woman ran to the servant of God and God stepped into her matter. God is stepping into your case today in Jesus name. 

Friends, you must know where to go when you don’t know what to do. Learn to turn to God for a solution. God often answer His people by giving them divine instruction that will lead to a miracle. Where you think there is no way God can make a way. God who multiply the little oil of that woman will do the same for you. The Lord will prosper you so much that your creditors will turn to apologize to you for mistreating you. You will assist the children of your enemy. Just be willing to obey whatever the Holy Spirit is leading you to do (John 2:5). He will lead you to your breakthroughs (Isaiah 48:17). You will be a testimony in Jesus name. Peace!

Prayer: Lord, lead me out of my current challenges

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