TIME WITH GOD Luke 6:12-16 Devotional:- “Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God” (V. 12) NKJV      You need to know that it is the breath of the Almighty that created you. His Spirit dwells in you from the very moment you believe. Therefore, the more time you spend with your source the stronger you will be just like a fish will gain more strength when it is in water, so you are when you walk with God. He said we can of our own do nothing (John 15:5). You are here on assignment for him; He saved you to use you for His glory in the world (Isaiah 43:21). You will be wise to create quality time to be with Him.


Abraham | Facts & Significance | BritannicaABRAHAMS CONNECTION

Genesis 12:10-20
Devotional V16

We sometimes nurse fear and allow it to push us into some unrighteous act. When a man allow fears to grip his heart, he’s working in cooperation with the devil to create pain for himself (1 John4:18). Fear allows the devil to execute his agenda which is evil (John 10:10). The agenda of god for us is different (Jeremiah 29:11). Job said what I am afraid of eventually happened (Job 3:25). We must not allow this to happen to us.

Out of fear Abraham and his wife had to play some unrighteous games, he recognized the beauty of the wife but could not defend her but in the midst of all this plans God stepped in. he is a covenant keeping God. He had mercy on Abraham who has already lost his wife. God troubled pharaoh and the tabled turned around for the prosperity of Abraham. This was because he was a covenant child god. This was because he yielded in obedience to god by leaving his family and following the lord.
Friend, when you yield yourself to god to always obey him, he will turn your mess to a message. He will turn your fear around for a favor. He will prosper you in hard times. Just be sure you are willing to obey him and always do what pleases him, Abraham came out of hard time rich. So you will come out rich in Jesus name. Peace.

Prayer: - Lord, make me to encounter your favor in the place of my fear
“Your willingness to obey God prepare for you a future of prosperity”

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