MEMBER OF HIS BODY I Corinthians 12:24-28 Devotional:- “Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually” (V. 27) NKJV      The Bible refers to us as members of the body of Christ or as part of the body of Christ. This truth brings us to the light of understanding of your importance, as a part of the Church. But more than that is the understanding by the same scripture that you as an individual are a member of Christ's body. The ‘body’ here can therefore be seen in two dimensions. It interprets the church as a single group and a team. It also interprets that each member as being part of the body of Jesus Christ. He is the head and we are the body. We have become members of His body by His Spirit that dwells in us (1 Corinthians 3:16).


Food of Angels | AngelstarspeaksFOOD OF ANGEL 
Exodus 16:11-21
Devotional V15

God can do anything to prosper his children no matter how hard the situation may be, he always have a solution. There is no situation to big for him to handle . Man can get to a situation of no way forward but God can not. In the midst of hard times God has a way. That is why we will be wise to connect with him. The enemy always want us to feel that we don’t need God but he is our very present help in trouble (Psalms 46:1).

God was taking Israel to Canaan as he has promised their father. Since the journey was taking longer than expected God has to make proviso. For their food. The Israelite cried to Moses for food and promised to give the food and meat for forty years of their journey. He gave them the food of the Angels. This is a demonstration of divine provision. Which means they could enjoy this because they were on the part of fulfillment of the instruction of God.

Friend, as long as you are doing what give you to do, he will always make a way out of difficulties for you. Learn to call on him all situation and he Weill guide you to provision. That is why you need consistent time out with God. Have a daily time of fellowship personally where you can open up to him. The you will always enjoy divine provision and prosper in all you do. Peace.

Prayer:-Lord, give me the grace of consistent work with you.
“There is already a provision for every God given vision”

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