
Showing posts from May, 2020


SPIRIT OF WISDOM I Corinthians 2:6-10 Devotional:- “But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory” (V.7) NKJV      The mind of every man is created to operate wisdom even at the level of common sense. This is one of the reasons why many are poor. The reason why this is so is that most human beings do not know how to empower their mind for wisdom with the right and quality information. They rather believe that life is all about making do with everything that comes their way. Wrong information and association have made many minds dull (Proverbs 13:20).


JACOB’S REVELATION Genesis 31:1-3 Devotional V.10 We live in a world where the spirit of the Lord dwells in people and the spirit of devil also dwells in others. Depending on the one allows in their heart. Because of wrong association and wrong influence. Very many people practice all the trend of ungodly things to make money. They don’t mind cheating others to make personal income. The fear of God is not in the heart of many (Romans 1:28)


WISDOM OF JOSEPH Genesis 41:46-51 Dev:v54 How terrible a heard Time will be is largely dependent on how wise we have used our precious season. God in his mercy always releases good season to the life of man. There is no one who have not a time they were greatly helped. But man always mistake season to be something that has come to stay only few believe that they need to prepare for change that will soon come after the season of plenty.


PROSPERITY IN SERVICE Isaiah 52:11-15 Devotional V13 (NLT) God has made everyone on the earth to prosper. This is because we are put on the earth to fulfill a course or to carry put an assignment for God. So when we prosper God win. His plan is a success, his desires are accomplished. You need to know that your prosperity is the failure of the devil and his evil agenda. The agenda of the devil is to frustrate the plan of God (John 10:10).


ISHMAEL Genesis 21:12-21 Devotional V19 In our uncertainty God is able to prosper us. At what time or the other man may have to face a hard time. A time when it looks as if all is about to collapse. Yet the God factor will not let us fail. That is why you can not afford to give up or give in no matter what you are going through. God is able to make a way where there seems to be no way.


ISAAC BREAKTHROUGH Genesis 26:1-13 Devotional v13 Man may be unfaithful but god will forever be faithful. No matter the difficulty god is able to prosper us. The season may look odd. The people may look bad. The land may even be barren and be unfruitful. None of that can stop God from prospering his people. He’s the god of heaven and earth. 


ABRAHAMS CONNECTION Genesis 12:10-20 Devotional V16 We sometimes nurse fear and allow it to push us into some unrighteous act. When a man allow fears to grip his heart, he’s working in cooperation with the devil to create pain for himself (1 John4:18). Fear allows the devil to execute his agenda which is evil (John 10:10). The agenda of god for us is different (Jeremiah 29:11). Job said what I am afraid of eventually happened (Job 3:25). We must not allow this to happen to us.


  IT PLEASES GOD Psalm 35:17-28 Devotional V27 It is very important that you and I keep it in mind that god delight in our prosperity. In other words, our prosperity is the of his faithfulness. In other words, it is in his plan that we prosper. God takes pleasure in your prosperity that is what we must do within our ability to prepare and connect with God to be able to prosper even in these difficult times (3 rd John 2). 


TEST OF GIVING Genesis 22:1-18 Devotional v1 Everyone who will prosper by the Lord God of Abraham will be tested especially in their area of giving. Most people don’t like to hear about giving because they feel they don’t have. Others on what they have and not on God. These are all because people don’t have the understanding of the ways of God (Isaiah 55:8-9). From the beginning of life to the end giving will remain one of the major tests of God for people to step into their prosperity.


END TURNED TO BEND   1 kings 17:8-16 Devotional Verse – V. 16 Sometimes the situation in the life of someone could look like an end. In terrible times those who lack the will to stand could commit suicide. Many who commit Suicide only come to a self defined end. I need to let you know that there is no end per say. End is what you call an end but God can turn it to a bend or a new beginning for you. 


BANKRUPTCY TO BUSINESS 2 kings 4:1-7 Devotional Verse – V. 7 The trick of credit facility has pushed so many people into a life time trouble. People don’t really have quality information on when to and when not to take a loan. This has turned many to the black book of their creditors. It has made many family and friends to be enemies. It has destroyed the fortune that many have built for years. It has turned down many enthusiasm vision runner. 


REVERSE OF FAMINE 2 kings 7:1-20 Devotional Verse – V. 18 Our God is a God who can reverse famine season to a season of abundant. That is why you must not give up your faith in His ability to prosper you. What look expensive can become so surplus in your life. God can make what is unavoidable to become cheep for you. He can turn the situation around for you and bless you to be able to afford what you can’t imagine that you can access. 


WATER WITHOUT RAIN   2 Kings 3:10-20 Devotional Verse – V. 20 Water is so vital to life. Even the life stock cannot do without it. Water here could represent different things for different people in different careers and business. For some it might be finance. For others it might be personnel. For some people it might be raw materials and for others it might be customers or sales. To others it might be connection to the market.


ROCK WATER Exodus 17:1-7 Devotional Verse – V. 6 No one enjoy to be thirsty. Sometimes it could get to a level that is not bearable. Human being may endure not to drink water but not for long. It is really a big issue when children are involved in such challenge. They cannot just endure that much. E en if they don’t eat the family must not lack water to drink and use.


FOOD OF ANGEL  Exodus 16:11-21 Devotional V15 God can do anything to prosper his children no matter how hard the situation may be, he always have a solution. There is no situation to big for him to handle . Man can get to a situation of no way forward but God can not. In the midst of hard times God has a way. That is why we will be wise to connect with him. The enemy always want us to feel that we don’t need God but he is our very present help in trouble (Psalms 46:1). God was taking Israel to Canaan as he has promised their father. Since the journey was taking longer than expected God has to make proviso. For their food. The Israelite cried to Moses for food and promised to give the food and meat for forty years of their journey. He gave them the food of the Angels. This is a demonstration of divine provision. Which means they could enjoy this because they were on the part of fulfillment of the instruction of God. Friend, as long as you are doing what give you to...


WEALTH TRANSFER Exodus 11:1-10 Devotional V3 God is supreme in wisdom and no situation can defeat him. He is the on who knows where he has kept the riches of the world (Isaiah 45:3). He knows whose hand he has kept them and he can always do wealth transfer anytime he wants to(…) He owns all things in heaven and earth (Psalm 24:1). Once a while I know he has been transferring wealth to you but the ability to increase depends on how wise you are. 


SEVEN FOLD 1 Samuel 2:1-10 Devotional Verse –   Sometimes people experiences set back and negative side of life. At such time, some may ask what exactly is God doing and why does He allow such experiences. We ask sucy questions because we do not know God. His own intreast is to see the right attitude developed in us. He is more interested in our character than in our comfort. We are most concern obout our immediate comfort byt God is concern about our eternal comfort.


OBEDIENCE TO GOD Deuteronomy 28:1-13 Devotional Verse – V. 2 Been obedience to God is not just an act of religion. Been obedience to God is an act of wisdom (Deuteronomy 4:6). That is why it is completely wrong to think following God is doing religion. It is a relationship that will and should give you all the goodness of life (Isaiah 1:19). That is why it is often said that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship that affect every aspect of our lives. 


PROSPEROUS SOUL 3 John 1-8 Devotional Verse – V. 2 It is in accordance with the plan of God that when we receive grace to prosper by the spirit, our soul also agree to prosper. This when our life can then experience the prosperity of God. To prosper means for things to be working well for you. It is the plan of God that things work well for us in all areas of our lives, even in our health. Since our soul is the connecting factor between our spirit and our body or the physical world, it then become very important to think about the prosperity our soul. 


LIVING SACRIFICE  Romans 12:1-9 Devotional Verse – V. 1 As good as it is for man to prosper, as much as it can be a trap if it is not manage by the wisdom of the Lord. Money have the tendency to replace the place of God in the life of a man (Matthew 6:24). It has the power to make a man think he made by himself and become proud (Daniel 4:28-33). That is why, when a man don’t submit to God before handling wealth, there is a tendency to highly be ungodly with wealth. This is the reason God want us to be a living sacrifice unto Him. 


  PROSPER Deuteronomy 8:10-20 Devotional Verse – V. 18 It is important we know that God is the almighty. He is the onoe who enable us to be whatever we are and what we shall be (John 3:27). He made us for His glory. He made us to be a blessing to our world (Genesis 12:2). He made us to influence the world for His glory (Matthew 5:16). He wants the world to be attracted to Him. He made us to show forth His grace and glory to the world through us. God reminded the children of Israel that He made covenant with their father. His covenant is to bless them and establish them as a strong nation (Genesis 26:1-5). He reminded them that He is the one that enable them to be wealthy. So that they can use it for His glory. It is important that we come to this light that we achieve a feet because the Lord has given us the understanding to do it (Job 32:8). That is, only Him deserves to be glorified. Most people rises up and fall because they do not recognize God as the strength behind th...


Zechariah 1:12-17 Devotional Verse: V. 17 Someone said when purpose is not known abuse is inevitable. That is, if we don’t find out the purpose for any of the blessing of the Lord we may likely misuse them. When a blessing is misused, it can be removed. When people misuse the blessing of God He will orchestrate the removal of the blessing (Luke 15:13). That is why God want His children to understand the purpose of prosperity before they access it.


Scripture Reading: Colossians 3:1-11 Devotional: “and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him”   (V. 10)                                                                      There is no self that will be able to stand before God. Self is our personality. Self is an attempt to denial God of the ownership of our life. He made us, He made the world and He gave us the strength we use to work,. The income we made is a product of His grace. We brought nothing and we own nothing. That is why every true child of God should see themselves as steward in this world and not owners of anything God...


Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:5-15 Devotional: : “ But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly” (V. 6) To have effective time in the presence of the Lord, you need a secret, solitary or secluded place. These are places you can be all alone with God (Matthew 14:23). The reason this is important is that, you are not disturbed. To be able to focus on God demand that we are not distracted. Until you can focus, you cannot get to God. 


Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 2:14-19 Devotional: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (V. 15) KJV One of the factors that will give us the best in the presence of God is to go to His presence with Bible and books to study. To study is to search out a matter (Ecclesiastes 1:12-13). To study is to engage our mind as we read in a search till we gain light about a particular issue in life. To study is to observe an issue till solution is discovered


Scripture Reading: John 1:6-14 Devotional: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” (V. 14) One of the ways to have a quality time in the presence of God is to learn to behold the glory of the Lord (Exodus 33:17-19). Whenever you are personally in His presence, His glory will always overwhelm you. This is very important because the devil don’t want you to have a time in the presence of God. Therefore, the way he can discourage you is by making you to see fearful and negative things. The devil knows that the moment you start to enjoy the presence of the Lord, you are free from him. That is why you must bring the scripture alive through imagination.


Scripture Reading: Psalms 16:1-11 Devotional: “I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved” (V. 8) It is important for you to know that your imagination is an instrument of the Spirit. Imagination is simply image formation. It is a mental image formation, but when you are connected with the Holy Spirit, you can see deep things through it. With imagination, you can be in your room from your office. This same way, you can be in the presence of God by imagination.


Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-22 Devotional:   “I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren, and will put My words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him” (V. 18) Whenever we are in the presence of God alone, God will speak to us. That is why we must allow the ear of our spirit to be open to God. Being in the presence of God is for communication between us and God. So, as we speak our mind to Him, He also wants to speak His mind to us. The challenge is that many often want to pour out their mind to God, but they do not have the gift of listening.

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