ENDURANCE Genesis 25:27-34 Devotional:- "Look, I'm dying of starvation!" said Esau. "What good is my birthright to me now?” (V.32) NLT      Faith will not yet be possible without endurance. The faith of some people do not produce because they only want it too quickly, and are not willing to wait (Job 14:14). Exploit of faith will not be possible if you will not endure in your current situation. If Jesus had considered the pain of the cross, He would have jumped down and will not enjoy the glory (Hebrews 12:2-3). Our endurance is not to remain in pain forever but to believe that our faith in God will not disappoint us.



Galatians 3:26 - 29
Devotional:- “For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus” (V.26) NKJV

    It is of great importance to constantly keep in your mind the awareness of your sonship in God. This reminds you of your status in Christ and gives you a steady growth in faith. If you forget the son of who you are, you are bound to face what you are not supposed to.

You become a child of God when you invite Jesus into your heart and He dwells in your spirit by His Spirit in you (1 Corinthians 3:16). You then grow to become a son of God when you always fellowship with Him and you allow Him to direct your heart (Romans 8:14). If you are the son of the highest God, the creator of heaven and earth, the ruler of the universe, then the angels are envying you (1 Peter 1:12).

Friend, you are not ordinary and that is why the bible calls you god (John 10:34). You are a son of God because His Spirit is in you. It is the Spirit of Jesus that dwells in you. When the enemy sees you he is afraid of you. He knows you are a child of authority (Luke 10:19). He only tricks you into fear since he knows you are ignorant. From now remember to always tell yourself “I am a son of the highest”. This should build up your confidence from now and all doors shall open unto you. You are now irresistible; your appearance shall terrify the devil. Since you are the son of the highest, you shall not be defeated. You shall arise and shine.

Prayer: Lord, let the glory of my sonship be demonstrated from now.


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