ENDURANCE Genesis 25:27-34 Devotional:- "Look, I'm dying of starvation!" said Esau. "What good is my birthright to me now?” (V.32) NLT      Faith will not yet be possible without endurance. The faith of some people do not produce because they only want it too quickly, and are not willing to wait (Job 14:14). Exploit of faith will not be possible if you will not endure in your current situation. If Jesus had considered the pain of the cross, He would have jumped down and will not enjoy the glory (Hebrews 12:2-3). Our endurance is not to remain in pain forever but to believe that our faith in God will not disappoint us.



2 Kings 6:8-23
Devotional:- “So he answered, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them” (V. 16) NKJV

    If you do not have the right company around you, the devil will help you compose one. All of us have to be spiritually conscious that some spiritual forces are always around us (Exodus 33:14, Psalms 91:11). We know this by our feelings because we are also spiritual beings. It is only the body we live in that has limited us to be able to have a physical view of them. But then, you need to know that you are the one who determines the forces that stand around you.

In the scripture we read today, Elisha the man of God received God’s revelations of what the enemy was planning and will always reveal it to the king. This was bringing great victory for the nation of Israel. The enemy was not happy and then planned to arrest the man of God. When the army came, his servant was afraid, but he quickly helped him to see the forces with them and he too gained confidence. All you need to build faith and confidence in the pursuit of your assignment is to see God’s presence with you always (Psalms 16:8)

Friend, you determine the forces around you by what you imagine. If what you see in your mind is the presence of the Lord and His host, the enemy dare not come near you. But if you always see devil, demon, and evil in your mind you will always have what you see (Titus 1:15). You can just set yourself free from those nightmares and daymares by changing your mind to agree with the word of God that God is with you (Psalms 23:4). Be careful of the films you watch and books you read. These are what determine your imagination. Now you are stepping into peace in Jesus' name.

Prayer: Lord, open my eyes to see you with me always.


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