ENDURANCE Genesis 25:27-34 Devotional:- "Look, I'm dying of starvation!" said Esau. "What good is my birthright to me now?” (V.32) NLT      Faith will not yet be possible without endurance. The faith of some people do not produce because they only want it too quickly, and are not willing to wait (Job 14:14). Exploit of faith will not be possible if you will not endure in your current situation. If Jesus had considered the pain of the cross, He would have jumped down and will not enjoy the glory (Hebrews 12:2-3). Our endurance is not to remain in pain forever but to believe that our faith in God will not disappoint us.



Numbers 12:1-9
Devotional:- “Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth” (V3) KJV

    The most vital aspect of faith is for man to yield to God’s instructions. God wants us to obey Him by faith. This is a level of honour to God. If Moses did not obey God, he would not have seen all the miracles he saw in Egypt and the wilderness. If the priests had not obeyed to step into Jordan by faith, the water would not have parted for them (Joshua 3:13).

 If Peter had not obeyed Jesus to launch his net into the deep, he would not have seen the miracle of many fishes (Luke 5: 1-10). If the disciples did not obey Jesus to fetch water as commanded, they would not have seen the miracle wine (John 2: 1 -10). If anyone does not obey God’s instruction, he may not see the glory of God.

The grace for obedience is embedded in meekness. We therefore need meekness to enjoy the working power of God. Meekness will help us to look away from the shame and mockery of men when God instructs (Philippians 2:5-10). Please, ask for the grace of meekness and God will give you. Meekness is tenderness to submit to God’s instruction (Psalms 25:9). The meek will inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5). Why? They know how to walk with God. Man, and God’s levels are too far and distant to walk by mere reasoning but meekness is the link (Isaiah 55:8-9). Peace!

Prayer: Lord, give me the spirit of meekness.


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