SURE FOUNDATION II Peter 1:16-21 Devotional:- “We have also a more sure word of prophecy: whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place...” (V. 19) KJV      Faith will not yet be faith until it finds a strong substance of assurance in the heart of a man. Faith is truly an action but depending on the  certainty. In other words, the more certain a promise is to you, the stronger your faith will be. No one will have a certain or sure word that will not believe, I love to let you know that God’s word is the surest foundation on which you can bet your life.



Isaiah 49:13-17
Devotional:- "Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you" (V. 15) NKJV

    Often time situations and circumstances make us think God has forgotten us. It may even look as if you call and He does not answer. Some people even feel God has no concern for them. But all these are feelings of ignorance of the nature of our God.

In the scripture we read today, God asked a question that can a nursing mother forget to breastfeed her sucking child. All of us know that except the woman is not with the child, that cannot happen. And God said even if they do, He can never forget us. You need to know that He created you for a purpose. And this is for His glory and honor. This makes you to be so important that it becomes impossible for Him to forget you.

Even if a man is wayward, yet God is always looking for a means of restoring him for His glory. No matter what your situation is you need to understand that He can never forget you. All things shall work together for your good at last (Romans 8:28). It shall at last turn to a testimony for you (Luke 21:13). I will encourage you to sow a seed of faith unto the Lord. It may be materials or your service to God. This is not to bribe God but to help you humble yourself and serve in His kingdom. You need to know that He made you to serve Him (1 Peter 2:9, Isaiah 43:21). Do it joyfully and from your heart. Your hope shall be revived for a glorious testimony and you shall be lifted.

Prayer: Lord, remember me and help me.


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