SURE FOUNDATION II Peter 1:16-21 Devotional:- “We have also a more sure word of prophecy: whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place...” (V. 19) KJV      Faith will not yet be faith until it finds a strong substance of assurance in the heart of a man. Faith is truly an action but depending on the  certainty. In other words, the more certain a promise is to you, the stronger your faith will be. No one will have a certain or sure word that will not believe, I love to let you know that God’s word is the surest foundation on which you can bet your life.



Psalm 3:1-8
Devotional:- "But You, O LORD, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head" (V. 3) NKJV

    Sometimes in the world, it is survival of the fittest. People in different businesses and offices of different professions seem to be racing. It is only the influential and the financially strong that are breaking the edges. Many others will be left in the cold without helpers.

There is a need to recognize the strength for your lifting and tap into it. Your God is a lifter. The promotion comes from His hand (Psalm 75:5-10). In the testimony we read today David the King has come to realize that His God is a lifter of heads. Remember it is what you know God to be that He will be to you. If you do not know, please understand this from now. No one is promoted until your father does it.

People may be jumping up but they will come down at last. Lasting promotion only comes from God. Start to trust Him for your promotion in life. It is not by your strength or ability (Ecclesiastes 4:11). Others may be going through the crooked ways to find promotion. As a child of God, you can’t follow the route of the ungodly to have durable riches. Start to talk to Him about your materials or financial promotion and office promotion. He is enough connection for you. As you ask, He will direct you to what you should do to be promoted. Keep obeying His instructions and soon you shall be lifted to the top in Jesus name.

Prayer: Lord, let the instruction for my promotion be released.


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