SURE FOUNDATION II Peter 1:16-21 Devotional:- “We have also a more sure word of prophecy: whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place...” (V. 19) KJV      Faith will not yet be faith until it finds a strong substance of assurance in the heart of a man. Faith is truly an action but depending on the  certainty. In other words, the more certain a promise is to you, the stronger your faith will be. No one will have a certain or sure word that will not believe, I love to let you know that God’s word is the surest foundation on which you can bet your life.



Psalm 25:8-15
Devotional:- “The meek will He guides in judgment and the meek will He teach his way” (V. 9) NKJV

    One of the major needs of men in life is direction. This is because choice is so costly in the life of men. The result in life is simply a product of choice. Everybody will succeed if only everybody knows how to make the right choice. Any time I hear about people trying to make money through a dubious way, I know that it is because they do not know how. They think wickedness will produce wealth. The truth is that wickedness will always produce sorrow sooner or later (Proverbs 10:22). It is only a godly blessing that will speak joy at last (Proverbs 13:11). These entire perpetrations are products of lack of understanding.

I like to introduce to you the God that guides His people. He can guide you into joyful profit (Isaiah 48:17). He can give you the power to make money (Deuteronomy 8:18). He can turn bad life around to good and unfortunate life to be full of fortunes. He does this by guiding and instructing His people to access peaceable blessings.

All you need is the grace for meekness. God only guides the meek. These are people who are willing to be corrected and instructed. When wise counsels are given to them they will take it. God's word says they will inherit the wealth of the earth (Matthew 5:5). God is able to guide you to succeed in all you do. You will be able to access His blessings and stand out among others.

Prayer: Lord, release your grace for meekness into my life.


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