A REWARDER   Hebrews 11:4-7. Devotional:- "For he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder, of those who diligently seek Him” (V.6)      Everyone involved in any kind of labor expects a reward. What motivates people into service or pursuit of life is the reward attached to it. It is embarrassing to see that most people labor for no reward, or rather their rewards don't often measure up to their service or input. This is the reason for frustration in the lives of many in the world today.



1 Samuel 30:1-8
Devotional:- Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God. (V. 6)

    As important as courage is to our victory, also encouragement is equally important. Encouragement is bouncing back to courage; encouragement is regaining back your strength. In this world the enemy will always do everything to discourage you, this will be through many avenues, he will use a dragging situation, he will use mockers, he will use frustration. All of these is to remove your courage; this is because your courage is your strength to win.

To bounce back to courage when you are discouraged is the act of refusing the discouraging factors and hold to what encourages you. That is why encouragement will have to be self-encouragement, most of the time David had to turn back to God who have been his strength.

Friend, most people want to pull you down but learn to always turn to God for your encouragement. Your strength will always be by taking instruction from God and obeying by faith. When David obeyed the Lord, he got back his victory; you are getting back your victory. It is not over for you. You will still win. Return back to God and you will win again.

Prayer: Lord, help me to return back to you for my victory

“Only God gives a lasting strength”.

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