SPIRIT OF WISDOM I Corinthians 2:6-10 Devotional:- “But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory” (V.7) NKJV      The mind of every man is created to operate wisdom even at the level of common sense. This is one of the reasons why many are poor. The reason why this is so is that most human beings do not know how to empower their mind for wisdom with the right and quality information. They rather believe that life is all about making do with everything that comes their way. Wrong information and association have made many minds dull (Proverbs 13:20).



Scripture Reading: Psalms 107:21-31
Devotional:- "Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men!" (V. 21) NKJV

    To be thankful to the Lord is to appreciate Him for all His wonderful works in our lives. One of the things that brings stagnancy to the life of men is when God is not appreciated for what He is doing. When a man is not thankful it is because the devil has successfully blindfolded him to the goodness of the Lord. That is why you must not allow this to happen to you.

Sincere thanksgiving is a high level of maturity that God and man appreciate. When you can be thankful, you are simply realizing how good God has been to you. This usually turn God on to do more for such person. When you are thankful, you are helping the effectiveness of the forces of God that is participating to do to you the good God is doing in your life. 

Friend, you need to humble yourself to always give God thanks. This is for what He is doing and for what you are trusting Him to do (Romans 4:20-21; John 6:10-11). This is one of the level of maturity God expect you to attain to qualify you for more in your life. It is as you appreciate the small thing, that the bigger ones will come (Zechariah 4:10). Stop comparing yourself with others (2 Cor. 10:12). Just be mature to thank Him always (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Don't wait till Service time. And God will make you experience His blessings (Psalms 67:5-7). Peace

PRAYER: Lord, give me a humble spirit to be thankful 


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