A REWARDER   Hebrews 11:4-7. Devotional:- "For he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder, of those who diligently seek Him” (V.6)      Everyone involved in any kind of labor expects a reward. What motivates people into service or pursuit of life is the reward attached to it. It is embarrassing to see that most people labor for no reward, or rather their rewards don't often measure up to their service or input. This is the reason for frustration in the lives of many in the world today.



Read: Romans 10:13-17 
Devotional:- “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (V.17)

    It is of great importance that we know that faith is not just confessions. It is not just believing but it is rather a weapon in God to be taken like a shield for battle (Ephesians 6:16). It has its source in the word of God. When faith is not having the word of God as its source then it is fake and capable of bringing shame. The word of God is the source of genuine faith that cannot fail. The ignorance of this is the reason for the frustration in the body of Christ today. People think they have faith when they do not. The word of God could come to you through the preaching of God’s word either through the electronic media o

r listening to a man of God. It could be through the reading of the word of God or reading books written by men of the Holy Spirit. 

To receive faith through the word is not just by reading but also by seeking to know the truth (This is meditation). This is reading with an eye for solution. When your heart has taken faith from the word of God, everyone around you will know. It will generate and transmit strength into your spirit. You will be too ready to disgrace the devil in your situation. No one will need to tell you that you have faith, you will know it yourself. Even the devil will be afraid of you. 

Friend, it is time to search the scripture to build up faith that will terminate the challenges in your life. You are already a victor, you only need to take faith from the word and your victory will come (1 John 5:4)

Prayer: Lord, deliver the word for my victory to me. 


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