APPLE OF HIS EYE Zechariah 2:4-13 Devotional:- “...for he who touches you touches the apple or pupil of His eye” (V. 8) AMPL      One of the most honourable and highly protected parts of our body is our eye. It is highly protected because of its importance and delicacy. The eye is the light of the body (Matthew 6:22, Luke 11:34). A man without sight is blocked without light. He will need to learn to see with the inner eye. Because of the importance of the eye, everyone takes time to wash it with all care and caution. When things are coming against it, wise people will always avoid it. When something little enters the eye, we become restless until it is removed. The truth is that you cannot allow anyone to touch your eye. It is a reflex action for you to close it at such times.



Genesis 2:1-7
Devotional – “And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done”. (V. 2)

    God the maker of the heavens and the earth is a God that work. We need to understand that God must not stop working. If He does, most of the system and structure that makes our earth to be, will simply stop. That will create total destruction on the earth and on the inhabitants of the earth. That is why the Bible says, He does not slumber nor sleep (Psalm 121:4). If God, our maker is working, then it will be a sin if we don’t work (2 Thessalonians 3:10). 

Work is the use of extracted energy to course a change in a thing, a place or a person. Our work as New Testament believers are works of faith. Work of faith is taking responsibility to obey God by faith. Since the beginning of time, we see God working (Genesis 1:1). God’s word begins with a work statement and end with the statement of work. (Genesis 1:1, Revelation 22:20-22).  We saw in the scripture today that God worked. You will hear the Bible saying, God made, plant or cause it to rain or formed. These are works. 

Friend, if God made us like Himself, then we are made to work (Genesis 2:15). That is why we must put in our best wherever we are, as citizen of the kingdom of God to make an impact or cause a change. No one will work and be turned to a beggar. It is your work that gives you a worth. It is working by faith that creates our miracles (Mark 16:17). Wake up.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to work with your instruction for my life by faith.


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