ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE Mark 9:14-27 Devotional:- “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes” (V.23)           We need to come to the awareness of the potency of the God we serve. He can do all things. He created the heavens and the earth. He created the mountains and the sea; He parted the Red Sea; He brought water from the rock and what else can He not do? If you see any great and good thing happening in the life of anyone today, it is through Him and there is nothing He cannot do (Luke 1:37, John 3:27).



Genesis 26:1-6
Devotional:- “because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws” (V. 5)

    It is going to be difficult to live a consecrated life without willingness and readiness to always obey the Lord. Many times we struggle with this reality. Most Christian sees obedience to God as what they do when they like to do that. Many don't want to be too close to the side of the Lord, so that they can still do things the way they want to do them. You need to know that when you are not full with God, you are fully with the world ruled by the devil (Revelation 3:15-16)

For such people, the kingdom can wait until after they finished enjoying their dream party with beer. Such are not part of the kingdom of God (Romans 14:17). God’s children must be totally separated to the Lord without dream of worldliness any more (James 4:4). The truth is that, what we call enjoyment in the world are activities of demons to carry out their own agenda (John 10:10).

You need to sincerely ask for the help of the Holy Spirit to always obey the Lord. If a child of God is grown up, a time should come that you will no longer be able to disobey the Lord, no matter what. If Jesus is your master, then you cannot obey another master (Romans 8:6-8). Isaac had no option than to obey the Lord and he became blessed al last. You are the next

PRAYER: Lord, make it difficult for me to disobey You anytime.


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