APPLE OF HIS EYE Zechariah 2:4-13 Devotional:- “...for he who touches you touches the apple or pupil of His eye” (V. 8) AMPL      One of the most honourable and highly protected parts of our body is our eye. It is highly protected because of its importance and delicacy. The eye is the light of the body (Matthew 6:22, Luke 11:34). A man without sight is blocked without light. He will need to learn to see with the inner eye. Because of the importance of the eye, everyone takes time to wash it with all care and caution. When things are coming against it, wise people will always avoid it. When something little enters the eye, we become restless until it is removed. The truth is that you cannot allow anyone to touch your eye. It is a reflex action for you to close it at such times.



1 Pet. 1:13-21 
Dev:- “but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct” (vs. 15 ) 

    If we want to make it to eternity with God it is expected of us to be holy. This is because heaven is a holy place and nothing unholy will ever enter the place (Ephesians 5:5). That is why each one who desires to make it to heaven must set themselves aside in holiness unto the Lord.

In our scriptures for today, the Bible tells us that holiness is the standard of God. That is, you need to know that we have been called to holiness (1 Thessalonians 4:7). And if holiness is the standard of God anyone who want to live with God must be holy. 

To be holy is to live a life that works only in the will of God. This may not be achieved when we first give our lives to Christ but we are to grow into holiness. Each of us should grow to be perfect before the Lord (Matthew 5:48). This will happen as we keep a daily work with  the Lord, in meditating on his word day and night and keep his word in our heart (Psalm 119:9-11).  It is as we keep our fellowship with his holy people, the church that the grace for holiness will rest on us.  (1 Peter 2:9). Peace!

Prayer: Lord, give me the grace for holiness.


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