A CHOSEN PEOPLE Deuteronomy 7:4-11 Devotional:- “…the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth…” (V.6)      The basic challenge we are facing that does not make us understand our new position in Christ is that of misunderstanding how we become a child of God. Because we do not understand what it takes, many don’t even value it. So they easily throw it off their mind. Many today are not holding on to their faith and are easily discouraged simply because they lack understanding of the richness of their choice. Some also put up some pride and some show up because they think they were qualified.



James 5:13-18
Devotional:- “And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven" (V.15) NKJV

    One of the major ways a believer exercises spiritual warfare is through prayer. So it is of necessity that we learn how to pray the prayer that will not fail. The truth is that praying without faith is a fruitless religious exercise. God honors the prayers honor His children but wants us to pray with faith.

What is the prayer of faith? This is praying in agreement with the covenant promise of the word of God. This is praying declaring the word of the spirit which is the word of God (John 6:63). This is the prayer made standing firm without doubt to claim the promises of God. It is the declaration of the counsel of the Lord with authority against the enemy. It is praying with the understanding of the mysteries of the power of God. It is using the Rhema of God’s word in prayers.

A prayer of faith will always be answered. Ask the Lord to give you the word of solution to your situation in His word. Then apply your faith to the covenant of the word and pray the word into your situation. When men of God pray for you in faith the result will always be tremendous. You don’t have to be under any oppression any longer, the prayer of faith shall restore you.

Prayer: Lord, strengthen my heart in faith for victory.


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