A CHOSEN PEOPLE Deuteronomy 7:4-11 Devotional:- “…the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth…” (V.6)      The basic challenge we are facing that does not make us understand our new position in Christ is that of misunderstanding how we become a child of God. Because we do not understand what it takes, many don’t even value it. So they easily throw it off their mind. Many today are not holding on to their faith and are easily discouraged simply because they lack understanding of the richness of their choice. Some also put up some pride and some show up because they think they were qualified.


FATHER’S WILL            

Ephesians 1:3-14
Devotional:- “having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself” (V.9) NKJV

    The challenge in the life of many generations is that life is always beginning from zero. The past generations never thought of living good inheritance for the present. Neither is the mind of many up till now, think of what they shall live for the coming generation (Proverbs 13:22). It is the reason why many are struggling today. They have no foundation upon which they can build their lives. So, they have to struggle to build one.

 Believers should know that we all have a great and glorious inheritance in Christ Jesus. The scripture we read talks about God’s will for us. This is our inheritance. His will is what He has left for us that we can build our lives on. With this today, we can claim His promises for us. A will is a legal tender to obtain one’s inheritance.

Stop seeing the word of God as a religious book. It is God’s will for the saints (Colossians 1:9-14). In it, is the provision for our health, victory, help, success, and abundance. As an inheritor will stand to claim the will, please always stand to claim the things provided for you in God’s will. If you have no inheritance from anyone, you have in Christ. You can always have it.

Prayer: Lord, help me to start claiming what is in your will for me.


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