SPIRIT OF WISDOM I Corinthians 2:6-10 Devotional:- “But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory” (V.7) NKJV      The mind of every man is created to operate wisdom even at the level of common sense. This is one of the reasons why many are poor. The reason why this is so is that most human beings do not know how to empower their mind for wisdom with the right and quality information. They rather believe that life is all about making do with everything that comes their way. Wrong information and association have made many minds dull (Proverbs 13:20).



Scripture: Colossians 4:1-6
Devotional:- “Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one” (V 6) NKJV

    Communication is the ability to transmit, convince and affect others actions with your intension. It is your instrument of motivation. Since you cannot succeed alone, you need to learn Communication skill to be able to clearly guide others into your vision. It is communication skill that will help you educate and convince others into your vision.

Effective communication demand that one has a clear goal to be able to speak in clear terms. It demands that the communicator have a personal conviction (1 John 1:1-4). Effective communication demands that the communicator has a practical experience of what he is talking about. It demands that a man speaks from his heart and to the heart of the hearer. It demands that we can listen to respond from people and study to answer well.

In communication, we have nothing to gain in been critical but we can lose all. When we can communicate right, we can always win people and build a winning team. By effective communication, we can pour out the spirit of our vision unto others who are ready to stand by us to succeed. We must let our words be seasoned with salt. We must be comforting others, exalting and edifying others(1 Corinthians 14:3). Peace.

PRAYER: Lord, give me access to the grace of a good communicator.


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