A CHOSEN PEOPLE Deuteronomy 7:4-11 Devotional:- “…the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth…” (V.6)      The basic challenge we are facing that does not make us understand our new position in Christ is that of misunderstanding how we become a child of God. Because we do not understand what it takes, many don’t even value it. So they easily throw it off their mind. Many today are not holding on to their faith and are easily discouraged simply because they lack understanding of the richness of their choice. Some also put up some pride and some show up because they think they were qualified.



Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Devotional:- “But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” (V. 6) NKJV

    The covenant of divine provision in the kingdom of God is connected to sowing and reaping. This may not be the same with the way of the world. Of course; we are not discussing the way of the world here. But rather, this is the kingdom of God (Galatians 6:7).

The word of God says “it is what we sow, that we shall reap. In other words, he that wants more should sow more. No matter what the world is thinking, we don’t think like them. This is because God’s way is different from man’s way (Isaiah 55:8-9). God has to give His only son to harvest the world today (John 3:16). This calls for faithfulness on the side of you and I in sowing according to the will of God as to enjoy divine supply.

To walk in this covenant, we must be willing to labour (1Thessalonians 4:9-12). Part of our purpose of living is to be a blessing (Genesis 12:2). God’s word instructs us to pay 10% of our income as tithe to His house (Malachi 3: 10-12). We are to take care of our home and care for our parents (Ephesians 6:1-3). Take care of servants of God (Matthew 10:41). Joyfully participate in the work of the house of the Lord, mission and evangelism. Then we can claim our divine provision. Peace

PRAYER: Lord, give me the grace to be a giver.


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