A CHOSEN PEOPLE Deuteronomy 7:4-11 Devotional:- “…the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth…” (V.6)      The basic challenge we are facing that does not make us understand our new position in Christ is that of misunderstanding how we become a child of God. Because we do not understand what it takes, many don’t even value it. So they easily throw it off their mind. Many today are not holding on to their faith and are easily discouraged simply because they lack understanding of the richness of their choice. Some also put up some pride and some show up because they think they were qualified.



John 13: 31-35
Devotional:-“By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." (v.35) NKJV

  Many Christians has grown so selfish because of the principles they have adopted. So, no matter the negative effect of their decision on others, as long as it profits them, they are okay. Today in the name of business strategies, we cut and wound each other. We don’t mind if others close down just for us to rise. 

   As long as you want to be a disciple of Christ, you must be willing to live in love. Jesus our master Himself is love personified (1 John 4:8). He sacrificed His life for us to be redeemed. So also, you and I must live a life of sacrificial love towards others. This is when we can resemble Christ.

The kind of love we should love people is called agape love, in the Greek meaning. This means a selfless love (1 John 4:10). Counting others to be equally important, seeking to let go our profit to help the weak (1 John 4:11). This is the kind of love God can reward. This is the love that can gain the attention of God. This love makes Abraham to be willing to sacrifice Isaac (Gen. 21:9). This love makes God to give us His only Son (John 3:16). This is the love that can identify us as a true disciple of Jesus. Receive grace to live in the love of Christ. Peace.

Prayer: Lord, help me to bear the fruits of true love.


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