It has always been there from time immemorial that some people don’t just want others to prosper. They are ready to be a hindrance rather than a support of success. They always get annoyed when others make progress. They easily become embittered and think of going to war against others. Such are the Amalekites.
They just suddenly become embittered against the sovereign act of God in the life of the Israelites. And they decided to constitute a hindrance to their progress to their promised land. So, they engage Israel in a war. God is always fighting greatly for His people. So, the Amalek were defeated. Your enemy also shall be defeated. But God instructed Moses to keep the record that contrary to the former plan and by current happening the Amalek shall be wiped out of history. And Moses erected a sign there and called it God our banner, which means the sign of our strength and victory.
God is also your sign of victory. If not that the Lord is on your side, where will you be today (Psalm 124:1-3)? This banner is always showing on you, your house and your belongings. That is why your life should be known to be a no-go area for the enemy. You must learn to see this banner there always. And your victory will keep getting established. And the enemy will no longer enter your territory.
Lord, be my banner of victory.