Today if you look back to your life, you will see many opportunities and privileges you have lost. This is often due to negligence. It is important you take note of it from now that every privilege or opportunity you are not faithfully utilizing will be taken from you and be given to another. You need to know that this is one of the strong principles God.
The truth is that God cannot be stranded. His agenda must be carried out. You are created to carry out a great assignment to affect others positively. If you are giving excuses or unfaithful, God will look for another person (Luke 19:39-40). Stone will not replace you in Jesus name.
Don't excuse yourself out of that marriage, business or ministry. Look more carefully, observe the opportunities waiting for you around you and out there, so that your place will not be given to another. Remember you are a steward unto God. He put you in charge. You are there for a reason. Endure with patience so as not to miss your place. All is not abut money. Life is not only for material thing. Do not let the enemy deceive you. You will not miss your place in Jesus name. Peace.
PRAYER- Lord, help me not to lose my opportunities again