The view of the world is to just get the materials. So, very many people who don’t have the inner ability have gone terrible just to get these materials. That is why many parents now buy certificate for their children. People now have to organize robbery. These are because our idea of success is focused only on materials. Friend, materials are only to assist us to succeed, they are not our success. Our success is the ability to succeed which is an internal quality, the composition of our heart, then we shall be successful.
As we live in this world, there are some goals that are important for us to achieve. If we don’t achieve them it will look like a discouragement and frustration. For example a man must of necessity get married and have a good home. A man need to build a place for his family to stay. A man must think of a means of transportation for his family to freely move around. The purpose of all this is to assist us to carry out our assignment on the earth. Jesus said a man have beautiful harvest. Instead of him to give thanks to God and prepare to be a blessing to others around him, he saw himself at the climax of life. This got God angry at him and his soul was demanded that same day. What is now his profit in all he has done? He was called a fool at the end.
Friend, congratulations for all you have been able to achieve. But it is important you know that they are a means to an end and not an end in itself. God made you for a purpose. That purpose is the reason you are on the earth. So, there is a need to define the purpose. Your purpose can be identified only with the one who made you. Take time out to seek His face. Then He will reveal His purpose of your creation to you. You then need to organize to pursue and fulfil your purpose of been on the earth. This is when you are truly walking in the path of success. May God not be angry with you. You will fulfil your destiny in Jesus name.
Prayer: Lord, help me to identify and fulfil my