When Daniel and the three Hebrews where brought into the palace of Babylon, they have to plan a training for them. It is important to think of training for people to have quality understanding of what is expected of them. There is need for training for people to become skilful in their process of production. There is need for training to the producer to produce the best. There is need for training for the producer to be exposed to the varieties of approaches to his work.
The king of Babylon has to approve three years for the training of these Israelites, because years spent in training is not a waste. An untrained product may waste much materials and opportunities in the cause of trial by error. An untrained producer can wound himself handling some machines wrongly. An untrained producer can be a disappointment.
Friend there is a strong need for each of us to keep training in our area of production. Training will make effective and efficiency (2 Timothy 2:15). Training will makes us skilful, training will make us very strong and give us high turnover in production (Ecclesiastics 10:10). The training can be formal or informal, yet they must help us to achieve the set goal. Let us be wise to give ourselves to training and we shall be successful. Peace!
Prayer- Lord, help me to be humble to submit to