If you want to see the manifestation of the power of God in your life, then you need to be used to a live a life style of worship. To a religious mind, worship is mere singing in the church. But you need to know that worship is fellowshipping with the supernatural God. It makes you enjoy supernatural insight for solution. It makes you enjoy cheap instructions for your directions (Act 13:2).
John the beloved was weeping because there was no one to open the scroll. The scroll contains the agenda of the end time events. But as the heaven took to worship, the scroll was unfolded. This is because the Lamb of God has prevailed over all the powers to open the scroll.
Friend, through worship, your next level of lifting and glory can be unfolded to you. The forces that are causing your tears of delay can be submerged when you worship God always. It takes you directly to the throne room of God (Psalm 100:4). A lifestyle of worship will totally change the course of your life (Psalms 67:4-7). The strength of your new level has come and you are unstoppable. Peace.
PRAYER: Lord, give me the true spirit of worship.