APPLE OF HIS EYE Zechariah 2:4-13 Devotional:- “...for he who touches you touches the apple or pupil of His eye” (V. 8) AMPL      One of the most honourable and highly protected parts of our body is our eye. It is highly protected because of its importance and delicacy. The eye is the light of the body (Matthew 6:22, Luke 11:34). A man without sight is blocked without light. He will need to learn to see with the inner eye. Because of the importance of the eye, everyone takes time to wash it with all care and caution. When things are coming against it, wise people will always avoid it. When something little enters the eye, we become restless until it is removed. The truth is that you cannot allow anyone to touch your eye. It is a reflex action for you to close it at such times.



Scripture Reading: Proverbs 7:10-23
Devotional:- “I have peace offerings with me; Today I have paid my vows” (v. 14) NKJV

    So many people often lose their strength to a demonic vow. People who have vowed to bring others down from whatever level they found them. They are bent on being a vessel of the devil. Their victims are often destroyed beyond repair. Such will not succeed over you in Jesus name.

There is no one God has not created with one strength or the other. The sin of fornication or adultery can turn anyone to a vegetable (Proverbs 7:24-27). Such demonic people have brought down many mighty men. They are specialist in the destruction of others. The coming down of a strong man is the fulfillment of their vow. They are sent on an assignment.

Friend, flee from every strength destroying demons. They are everywhere looking for victim. Please discipline yourself not to fall as a prey especially in this end time. That is why every child of God must have a leader. Absolute liberty corrupts absolutely. Be committed in your church. Be committed to serving the Lord. If you can't submit to a vision, submit to another. Don't play around opposite sex intending to just play. If you need to marry, get married (1 Corinthians 7: 8-9). Remember Samson. Fear the Lord. You will not fall in Jesus name. Peace.

PRAYER: Lord, sustain me by your right hand of righteousness.


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