One of the instruments of the devil to destroy people's strength is pride. Whatever reason a man is proud is not wisdom. The word of God says “when you see pride coming, a fall is bound to follow”. There is no height a man has attained that pride cannot bring him down. It brought Nebuchadnezzar to years of living like an animal (Daniel 4:33). It made the prodigal son to waste his father’s resources (Luke 15:13). Please be careful of pride.
As terrible as pride could be, it can happen to anyone who is not of understanding. That is why we need to know what causes pride. Pride is an emotional feeling in anyone who feels he/she is above others. Pride is a product of allowing people to place us on the throne of tissue papers. Pride is a feeling that we are bigger and greater than others. Anytime we feel this way, we need to careful (Proverbs 16:18).
People are able to rise up in life because they enjoy inspiration by revelation. All of these are giving by God (Job 32:8). If the understanding that brought lifting is removed in a day, that man will be confused and will start to fail. That is why a king that is ruling the whole world can become like an animal. Nothing can make us rise but the strength of the Lord. Refuse pride. Peace
PRAYER: Lord, help me never to be fooled into pride.