SPIRIT OF UNDERSTANDING  Daniel 5:1-11 Devotional:- “There is a man in your kingdom in whom is the Spirit of the Holy God. And in the days of your father, light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, were found in him; and King Nebuchadnezzar your father-your father the king-made him chief of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers” (V. 11) NKJV      The human level of exploits in life depends largely on their level of understanding. The depth of your understanding determines the size of your light in life. Understanding is what makes people outstanding. If you can't dig deep, you can’t grow tall. It is as you can take root downward, that you can bear fruits upward. Failure is mostly a result of a lack of understanding (Hosea 4:6). People of understanding are of peaceful progress. Since they can dig deep to know the right thing in life they can keep flying.



Romans 1:1-7
Devotional:- “and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead” (V. 4)

    The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Holiness. Without the Holy Spirit no man will be able to walk perfectly before the Lord. Our mind cannot walk in the way of holiness without the help of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 8:4-8). That is why no man will be able to stand before the Holy God without the Holy Spirit. The word of God says “nothing unholy will be allowed before God (Hebrews 12:14). He is an holy God (1 Peter 1:15-16). And the Holy Spirit is a spirit of Holiness.

The Holy Spirit work in submissive believer to make him or her holy. This is by guiding into all truth (John 16:13). This He does by leading us into the will of God. Whenever we obey the leading of the Holy Spirit, we please the Lord (Romans 8:14). That is why as believer, we must allow the leading of the Holy Spirit over all our activities.

This is very important because there is nothing unholy that will enter heaven (Revelation 22:15). When the Holy Spirit is directing your way, He will only direct you to Holy decision (Psalms 23:1-3). Even if He leads you into what looks unacceptable to you or people around you, it will still be acceptable to God. Example is when Jesus cane people out of the temple and turn their table (Matthew 21:12-13; Romans 8:33-34). That is why only the Holy Spirit can make Holy before God. Peace

PRAYER: Holy Spirit, help me t walk with you to be holy


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