SPIRIT OF WISDOM I Corinthians 2:6-10 Devotional:- “But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory” (V.7) NKJV      The mind of every man is created to operate wisdom even at the level of common sense. This is one of the reasons why many are poor. The reason why this is so is that most human beings do not know how to empower their mind for wisdom with the right and quality information. They rather believe that life is all about making do with everything that comes their way. Wrong information and association have made many minds dull (Proverbs 13:20).



1 Chronicles 27:25-34
Devotional- “Jonathan, David's uncle, was a wise counselor to the king, a man of great insight, and a scribe. Jehiel the Hacmonite was responsible for teaching the king's sons” (V. 32) NLT

   Making things happen in the world is not by accident. It is by insight. No one will truly gain understanding till they have insight. To have insight is to gain access to the real working factors of a virtue. Most people just stop at the surface, but a man of insight see deeper. To have insight is to see the root and the internal structure of a building. This does not happen by mere looking, it is a product of meditation.

   The word of God says David’s uncle was a wise counselor to the king and also a man of great insight (1 Chronicles 27:32) NLT. Having insight to issues could be inform of special ability for someone, but everyone can contact this grace for creation of their desire on earth. This is a product of connecting with the Holy Spirit in you to take you to the inner secret of a matter (John 16:13). Daniel was said to be a man of deep insight (Daniel 5:11-12).

   Friend, you need quality relationship with the Holy Spirit to enjoy the blessing of insight (Daniel 5:12; Genesis 41:38; 1 Corinthians 2:9-10). Quality relationship demands that you walk in the spirit (Galatians 5:16). To walk in the spirit is to regularly get connected to the Holy Spirit in your heart. This is in regular thanksgiving, regular prayer and acknowledging Him in all you do (1Thessalonians 5:16-18; Proverbs 3:5-6). Then, you will be able to ask Him in all matters and He will always give you insight. Peace!

PRAYER: Lord, give me the grace to keep walking in the Spirit.


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