Devotional:- “God
has made me laugh and all who hear will laugh with me” (V.6) NKJV
Sarah was a woman who experienced an outstanding miracle. She was a woman who had passed through much pain physically and emotionally. But she refused to allow all of these to break her down till she saw her miracle. You will also see yours.
She has always been the wife of Abraham but without a child. God said to the husband several times “You will be the father of nations” and her husband will always tell her. Her pains multiplied at a time when an experiment was carried out and was discovered that she was the one who couldn’t conceive (Genesis 16:1-5). But she believed in God. She refused to go about it, she refused to poison herself. Age was not on her side but she kept waiting until her time of visitation came (Genesis 18:15). Yours also have come. She at last gave birth to laughter – a king, a prince, and a covenant child.
Friend, hold on to your God. Your situation has come to a turning point. That God has not changed. God can reverse your age for your miracle. Sarah never delivered through a cesarean session, so, you will deliver safely too. He shall be called laughter and joy for men shall gather to celebrate with you and your joy no one shall take.
Now I shall give birth to my laughter: